
If you’re not happy in your professional life, you might be thinking about changing careers. Whether you’ve been in your current career for decades or just a few years, it’s very possible it’s no longer a fit for your goals and interests. 

No doubt, it’s a huge shift, but there’s no need to stay in your current field if you no longer feel fulfilled. Fear of the unknown and uncertainty about all the work that goes into changing careers might be causing you to feel apprehensive about making this move, but you can do it. 

Here’s some advice to help you get started. 

4 Tips for a Successful Career Change 

Get to the Root of the Problem 

Shifting into a new career is a very big deal, so it’s important to make sure this is what you really want. Think long and hard about what is causing you to feel unhappy in your current job. If it’s issues with the company or your boss, you might just need a new job in the same field. However, if you’re unhappy with the responsibilities associated with the position itself, a career change is likely the right move. 

Explore New Avenues 

Take the time to figure out what you want in a new job. Get started by assessing what you like and dislike about your current job, but don’t stop there. Really think about your interests and skills outside the office, because something you consider a hobby might actually be the ideal next chapter of your career. You’ll also want to reflect on what you want from a job and categorize as meaningful work, because you want your new job to be fulfilling. 

Test Out Your Top Choices 

A certain career path might sound great in theory, but not hold up in real life. Therefore, it’s important to give your top choices a trial run, to decide if they’re something you could do full-time, for the rest of your professional life. Achieve this by seeking out volunteer roles, part-time positions, or job shadowing opportunities where you can really immerse yourself in the field.  

Create a Transition Plan 

After choosing the path you’d like to pursue, you’ll need a game plan to help you land your ideal job. This might involve going back to school, joining a professional organization, or finding a way to garner real-life experience in the role. Remember, you’ll be vying for the same positions as people who already have experience in the field, so you have to be a competitive candidate.  

Ready to change careers, but not sure how to go about it? Management Registry, Inc. is here to help, every step of the way. Contact us today to find out what we can do for you! 

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