
It might seem like it took forever to get here, but the first day of spring is finally upon us. The big day arrives on Thursday, March 19, and no doubt you have some tidying up to do — but we’re not talking about your house.  

More than just straightening up your home, spring cleaning can be applied to many other aspects of your life. Here are a few ways you can use it to freshen up your resume. 

5 Tips to Spring Clean Your Resume 

Get Rid of Outdated Information 

You’ve accomplished a lot in your life, but it all doesn’t need to be on your resume. For example, when starting your career, you might’ve listed high school and college activities to bulk up your experience, but it’s time to remove them. The same goes for any irrelevant jobs held before breaking into your field. As a general rule of thumb, anything older than 15 years should be deleted. 

Provide Pertinent Updates 

Chances are, you’ve learned a lot since the last time you looked at your resume. In fact, your current job probably isn’t even listed. Now is the time to bulk up your resume with all the skills and experience you’ve gained since the last time you updated it.  

Eliminate Typos 

Spelling and grammatical errors will keep you from getting the job, so make sure your resume doesn’t include any. Run spell check first, but don’t stop there. Carefully review it several times yourself, and ask someone you trust to do the same. 

Get to the Point 

Empty words and phrases accomplish nothing beyond making your resume harder for hiring managers to skim. Terms like “multitasker” and “team player” sound good on the surface, but they’re just words. Replace them with examples that highlight your abilities so that the reader can come to their own conclusions. 

Tailor It to the Future You Want 

Your resume needs to be tailored for every job you apply to, but you can get a head start. Writing it in a manner that targets the kind of position you want will make it easier to customize it for specific opportunities as they come along. 

Need a little help finding the job of your dreams? Management Registry, Inc. is here to guide your search. Contact us today to find out what we can do for your team! 

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