
Applying for call-center jobs is often a matter of checking the right boxes for call-center recruiters. In any call center, there are certain rules of the phone that hiring managers want their staff to adhere to. The more familiar a candidate is with proper call-center etiquette, the more likely they are to stand out as a call center candidate.

#1 Phone communication

It goes without saying the phone interview for call-center candidates is pivotal. It’s an opportunity to display your abilities to communicate effectively over the phone. If you can deliver a well-spoken, clearly heard, confidently delivered interview, you greatly improve your odds of landing the job.

Practice your phone communication with a trusted friend who will give you feedback on your pace, clarity, tone, etc.

#2 Listening

One of the most underrated qualities of great call-center agents is their listening abilities.  In order to communicate effectively to customers or leads, you must understand a conversation is a two-way street. If the customer brings up a concern that is not addressed because you are too focused on your own goals, that customer is not going to have a positive experience.

Be sure to focus on your listening skills throughout your application process to improve your candidacy. If applicable, repeat what the interviewer says. It reassures them they have been heard and as a bonus, it gives you a few extra seconds to focus on your response.

#3 Communication skills

Aside from enunciation and great listening, how well can you carry a conversation? Working in a call center requires effective and productive communication in order to get through a sufficient call load each day. While ultimately successful calls are the goal, once you have made a connection with the client, it’s important to keep the call moving forward so you can successfully aid the next caller or make the next sale.

#4 Integrity

Not only is integrity important for an effective and productive employee, but from a customer service standpoint, call-centers require agents who can uphold the integrity of their company or their client’s company.

Show your integrity by dressing the part, showing up early and focusing on your dedicated work experiences.

#5 Confidence

When you are delivering your interview answers, stand up or sit up straight, be calm and respond with conviction. Not only is this great advice for all interviewees, it is especially pertinent for call-center candidates due to the importance of staying confident while working in a call center. Handling dozens of calls each day can be exhausting, especially if you are in sales. Dealing with customer concerns or unpleasant leads requires a great deal of self-confidence to shake off any negativity and get back on the phone.

#6 Patience

Calls may not go your way. Customers may not be cooperative in giving you the necessary information you need to best assist them. Patience is a virtue in a call center for speaking pleasantly with customers and leads all day.

For more interview tips or job-seeking advice, consider working with Management Registry, Inc. Our staff is highly knowledgeable on call-center recruiting and has connections with major call-center employers throughout the country. Contact Management Registry Inc. today.

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